Today Investiture Ceremony was celebrated with full decorum at Police DAV Public School Patiala.The School Chairman Mr. S.S.Srivastava ADGP Security and Manager Dr.Rashmi Vij were the chief guest and the guest of honour.Ms.Harwant kaur PP SSP Headquarter was also present there. Principal Mrs. Savita Dhankhar formally welcomed the guests. Sahil from ClassXII was adorned as the Head boy and Mansi from classXII was decorated as the Head girl of the school. Anmoldeep Kaur and Sahibdeep Singh from grade XI were badged as the school Prefects.Bhavjot Singh from classXII got the responsibility of Discipline incharge, Chandeep Singh Sports captain, Akashdeep Cleanliness captain.School children have been divided into four houses i.e. Jasmine, Pansy, Tulip and Zinnia .House captains and vice captains were also selected and adorned during the event. Sehaj and Manjot for Jasmine House, Palak and Anshul for Pansy House, Kiranjot and Gurpavit for Tulip House and Reena and Bhupinder for Zinnia House .Selected Vice Captains were Suhani and Adarsh deep for Jasmine House, Manpreet and Gurshant for Pansy House, Palak and Prabhsimran for Tulip House and Rupali and Ayush for Zinnia House .All the office bearers took the oath of the office .Head boy and the Head girl delivered Gratitude speeches for giving them opportunity to contribute their bit in the school progress.Principal Savita Dhankhar congratulated the office bearers.Chairman sir Mr. S.S. Srivastava interacted with the students and motivated them to scale greater heights in future. He also asked about their long term goals and aspirations.He shared his success and fitness mantras with the children.The event concluded with Vote of Thanks by the school Principal Mrs Savita Dhankhar.